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Gaudiya MissionThe Gaudiya Mission is a spiritual organization dedicated to the propagation of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, founded by Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupad.
Chronology - Gaudiya MissionThe advent of the Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu or Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (previously known as Sri Gauranga Dev) at Sree Mayapur (old Nabadwip), Nadia District (Bengal or Gaudadesh).
Aims and ObjectsThe chief aim of the Mission is to practice and propagate the spirit and teachings of pure Vaishnava faith as described in the Srimad Bhagavatam propounded and propagated by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and taught by Gaudiya
Hindi Publication - Gaudiya MissionChaitanya Museum Prabhupad Glories Gaudiya Mission UK
Gaudiya Mission Centers - Gaudiya MissionFacebook Instagram Youtube Pinterest X-twitter Phone-volume Whatsapp Icon-map-marker
Spiritual Activities - Gaudiya MissionChaitanya Museum Prabhupad Glories Gaudiya Mission UK
Social Activities - Gaudiya MissionChaitanya Museum Prabhupad Glories Gaudiya Mission UK
Founder Acharya - Gaudiya Mission1916 27th March, the First printing press was established as an instrument for spreading Kirtan.
Behind Gaudiya MissionChaitanya Museum Prabhupad Glories Gaudiya Mission UK
Gaudiya Mission - Gaudiya MissionChaitanya Museum Prabhupad Glories Gaudiya Mission UK
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